Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brain freeze

I know that, technically, we're only a couple of weeks into winter, but I've had enough. My nose is red, my fingers are cold, my head hurts, and I can see my breath -- in the house. Enough.

Even the snow has gotten old. (Sure, it's pretty and fun when it first falls, not so much when it turns your driveway into a speed skating track.)

Seriously, I cannot remember the last day the temperature here got above 40 degrees Fahrenheit -- with the wind chill.

And speaking of wind chill, I would like to start a petition that if it feels like 20 degrees then weather forecasters should just say it's 20 degrees. Enough with "It's 32 degrees outside but with the wind chill it feels like 20 degrees" BS.

And another thing, why is there a blizzard or snow storm only on the days we have plans? What's that about?

Much as I love polar bears, I could use a little global -- or local -- warming about now. After all, what have the polar bears done for me lately?

Okay, your turn to bitch -- in the comments.

Btw, this blog is now two years old and this is my 400th post. Yowza.


  1. I say "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow". When else can you see so many people dressed like penguins and slide all over the place? It is such a hoot. Embrace it--when it is 90 degrees and 100% humidity this summer you'll wish for some of this stuff again-- trust me or not.

  2. I love 90-degree weather! I'm a total hot weather girl. Give me shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops any day.

  3. Clue I'm getting older: As the years pass, Florida and Las vegas don't look too bad now. I can honestly understand why people would subject themselves to Florida....

  4. Warm it up! How about an in-between season? Spring can't come fast enough!

    Congratulations on your 400th!!!

  5. "I would like to start a petition that if it feels like 20 degrees then weather forecasters should just say it's 20 degrees."

    I would sign that petition. Advisory to Daily Del, I'm in Florida, and it's 40-something degrees here right now. It FEELS like -40 to us natives. Maybe Vegas is your best bet...

  6. Mazle Tov on #400!

    I love snow, it makes up for having to put up with sub-freezing temps.

  7. J - I have had enough of it too !! We just do not get this sort of weather in dear old blighty !! I could not get home last night and had to stay in town and it is likely to be the same today !!! Everything looks lovely but the novelty has worn off now !!!
