Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jets v. Colts: Anyone care to make a wager? (UPDATED)

Gambling911 says the odds opened at Indianapolis -7. (The site also has some very interest stats re the Jets and the Colts. And let me just say it don't look so good for da Jets, Lucy.)

Oddsmakers also predict that tomorrow's New York (Jersey) Jets - Indianapolis Colts game will be among the most heavily bet upon of the 2009 regular NFL season, which ends next weekend.

For those keeping score, the undefeated Colts (14-0) have won twice as many games as the Jets (7-7), but one cannot count out the Jets' mighty defense (or the mighty Flight Crew, which I am hoping will help distract Colts' quarterback Peyton Manning and his offense). And the fact that unbelievable as it may seem the Jets still have a shot of making the playoffs (Giants, too).

Sadly, I will not be able to watch most (all?) of tomorrow's game due to the New England Patriots -- or, to be more exact, certain New England Patriots fans who suggested we meet them at 5 p.m. in the middle of nowhere New England, from where they will spirit away our daughter and indoctrinate her into their Pats and Red Sox cult. (There was also some talk of snowboarding and ice skating and playing Wii, but I think that was just a ruse.) As a result, we will be unable to watch most (if not all) of the Jets - Colts game (as well as the end of the Giants - Panthers game -- go Giants!), though we will hopefully be able to catch some of it on the radio.

As a Jets fan, I have zero expectations. I just want my team to play well (memo to Mark Sanchez: Lose the 'stache, not the ball) and not be totally embarrassed by Peyton Manning and the Colts.

GO JETS! (Giants, too!)

UPDATED: OMG! The Jets won, 29 - 15. Still in shock. Fifteen down, one to go.


  1. Mark my words, Jets win big 21-10 manana. The Frito bandito will outgun Manning in biggest day of his career!

  2. The looks on the faces of the Colts players said it all. The ultimate goal each year is to win the Super Bowl, but they also had the opportunity to set themselves apart and go 19-0, a feat that has never been accomplished before. I think the players were disheartened regardless of what they said in interviews.
