Friday, October 2, 2009

Are you a Felix or an Oscar?

This Sunday's New York Times Magazine features an article titled "Understanding the Anxious Mind," which, having suffered from life-long anxiety, I was anxious to read. (Btw, if you or a loved one suffers from anxiety, you should read it too.)

I found the article very interesting, and enlightening, and was particularly amused by this bit, which appears near the end:
Because they are more restrained than their wilder peers... high-reactive [i.e., anxious] kids are less likely to experiment with drugs, to get pregnant or to drive recklessly. They grow up to be the Felix Ungers of the world... clearing a safe, neat path for the Oscar Madisons. [Emphasis is mine.]

People with a high-reactive [i.e., anxious] temperament — as long as it doesn’t show itself as a clinical disorder — are generally conscientious and almost obsessively well-prepared. Worriers are likely to be the most thorough workers and the most attentive friends. Someone who worries about being late will plan to get to places early. Someone anxious about giving a public lecture will work harder to prepare for it. Test-taking anxiety can lead to better studying; fear of traveling can lead to careful mapping of transit routes. [Ask the spouse and my mother about that one.]
If that doesn't describe me to a T, I don't know what does. (Honk, honk.) It also leads me to ask the question...

Do you see yourself more as a Felix or as an Oscar (or somewhere in between)? Take this short quiz and find out! (And let me know the answer in the Comments or on my Facebook page. Btw, I am a "June Cleaver," and am pretty sure the spouse is either "Fred Sanford" or "Oscar Madison." ; )

UPDATED 10/3/09: If you include emailed and FB responses, the majority of women who read this blog are June Cleavers (with one Felix Unger and one Roseanne Barr) and ALL of the men (with one exception) are Roseanne Barrs. Hmm...


  1. For the record I'm a low Roseanne Barr, not Fred Sanford, and definitely not Oscar Madison... I do have high tolerance for clutter, but I'm not dirty. Ya know it's a matter of priorities.. (our daughter does border on Oscar Oscar Oscar).

    I dig out when I have to (and am not afraid to chuck stuff), and have learned to keep my clutter to myself... Now that being said, when I was with first with spouse, I oft let my laundry pile up for 3 weeks before bringing the enormous load to the Korean laundry down the block (note that the time between laundry visits is directly proportionate to the amount of underwear that I had at the time--and of course it was not beyond me to just buy new underwear).

  2. I scored Roseanne Barr, although I imagined that I was a combination of Felix and Oscar. How I LOVED that show!

  3. I ended up as a combination of Murray the Cop and the Other Brother Darryl. Fortunately I married a June Cleaver, who has shown me the error of my packrat ways.

  4. I live with two cats
    They only care if I'm home
    Not about clutter

  5. Go figure - I'm a June Cleaver bordering on Felix Unger. :)

    Verification: butgly - butt ugly!

  6. If you include emailed and FB responses, the majority of women I know (or who read this blog) are June Cleavers (with one Felix Unger and one Roseanne Barr) and ALL of the men (with one exception) are Roseanne Barrs. Hmm...

  7. I took the quiz going by my single state. I'm easily in Oscar Madison territory. The problem is many of the questions don't really capture it. My refrigerator was empty but for pizza (in the original box) and mustard. Similiarly, I did not have this thing you call a "hamper". Also, while nothing bought was ever discarded I did not feel the need to purchase much. Clearly, however, I was lucky to approach 10-11 on the scale.

  8. Thanks for linking to the survey on my blog The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide. I've had a lot of visitors.


  9. @JJV, And now? ; )

    @Rita, You are most welcome! I was going to come up with my own quiz -- until I found yours, which did the job nicely. : )
