Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Let's see what Carol Merrell* has in the box...

Hmm... Let's make a deal: One new pair of shoes for one lovable black cat. Seems like a fair deal to me!

It is amazing to me how over three feet of cat can squeeze (or curl up) into one foot of shoebox.

*If you got the reference to "Carol Merrell" (whose last name is really spelled "Merrill"), or if you didn't, click on the link to find out some fascinating facts about the former Let's Make a Deal model and the show (the version with Monty Hall). Btw, production on the NEW Let's Make a Deal, with Wayne Brady as the host, begins today, with the first episode scheduled to air October 5. More details here.


  1. Can we request a Patrick Swayze blog????

  2. I'd say that has a Ghost of a chance. I could go for some Dirty Blogging. I'll park it in my Road House.

  3. What? No Tom Brady accolades? Only Wayne Brady ones? Perhaps you should pose the famous Monty Hall probability quiz to your readership and see how smart J-Two-O followers really are!

  4. Tom Brady and the "Boston" Patriots should be composing a thank-you note to Leodis McKelvin (the game's Scott Norwood) for that fumble.

  5. Do a Swayze post or I'll unleash the


    Hey Pats fans, don't forget to thank Buffalo's prevent defense. As Boomer Esiaison said as the whole debacle was unfolding, "The only thing a prevent defense does is prevent you from winning."
