Monday, September 21, 2009

Jets deserved an Emmy for yesterday's performance against the Patriots; ditto the Giants vs. the Cowboys

Forget the Emmys, people. Last night the real drama was taking place in Dallas, in Jerry Jones's $1.3 billion Cowboys Stadium, where an NFL record crowd of over 105,000 watched in stunned silence as the Cowboys lost to the Men in Blue 31 - 33 in the final seconds of the game. (There's a great little video summary of the game over on the home page of, called "In the nick of Tynes," which unfortunately did not contain an embed code.)

As a result of last night's win over their divisional rival, the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Giants now are alone atop the NFC East with a 2-0 record. To which I saw: WOOHOO! (And yes, I plan to enjoy it while it lasts, which will be at least a week. : )

Also making headlines -- and deserving of an Emmy for most dramatic turnaround after the half -- are the New York Jets, who stunned the New England Patriots yesterday with a 16-9 win. Two words (and they ain't "Mark Sanchez," though he was pretty great): DE-FENSE. And the Jets had it, in spades. Though Patriots' quarterback Tom Brady (aka Mr. Gisele Bundchen) getting four delay of game penalties didn't hurt the Jets either. (See boys. This is what happens when you bang supermodels. It weakens your game.)

I have to admit, I was pretty nervous going into the half, but what a difference 20 minutes makes! Pretty much bottled up by the Patriots in the first half, Jets' quarterback Mark Sanchez came out with his "guns" blazing, throwing some real beauties, including a deep strike to Jerricho Cotchery that went for 45 yards and a pass to Dustin Keller that resulted in a touchdown.

As a result of yesterday's huge win, the New York Jets are now alone atop the AFC East leaderboard with a 2-0 record. To which I also say WOOHOO!

Until next week...


  1. Sorry for this sober reality. The Mets were in first place after the first 20% of the season had passed.

  2. I like when anonymous people trash talk. Yes, the Mets were in first place too -- then disaster set in.

    I'll take a team that wins its first two games WITHOUT GIVING UP A SINGLE TOUCHDOWN, is in first place and broke Tom Brady's (almost) NFL record win streak.

    Congrats to the Giants as well, though I hate them. I can't do what J does and root for two teams. Life's too complicated for that.

  3. Every ounce of my soul was telling me that Eli would throw a pick in the last two minutes, or that the Jints would otherwise implode. In spite of the Super Bowls, no real big blue fan can ever forget Joseph Anthony Pisarcik. This is an incredible sign that they didn't blow it.

    BTW, in spite of enjoying a divisional win against the ever-hated America's Team, at the EOD it was far uglier than anyone seems to want to admit.

    Tommy, don't let her fool you, me thinks that J's real allegiance is with Gang Green. That if a subway bowl ever came to be, she would be mooning over Sanchez, not Eli.

  4. The Jets defense was spectacular yesterday. Even a die-hard Pats fan like me has to give them credit.

    At this point of the season, the Jets are the better team. But I still refuse to count the Pats out.

    So, J., with the Jets and Giants both winning, you must have been doing the wild thong dance last night.

  5. The Jets days of winning end on October 4th. On that day, the jets march into the Superbowl to take on the undefeated, dominating Saints & Sanchez will fall to the power of Who' Dat!

    Either that, or I'll be forced to wear a bag over my head ><.

  6. @Anonymous: Spoken like a true Phillies (or Yankees) fan. ; P

    @Kendor: I do not plan on mooning or mooning over any NFL quarterback. Thank you very much. Though you are probably right re my allegiances (at least as of this week). ; )

    @Dan: That's quite the overactive imagination you've got. Truth be told, I was sound asleep at 10 p.m. last night, no doubt due to all my jumping around and screaming during the Jets game -- and the thongs spent the afternoon and evening safely in their drawer.

    @Powa: I am taking things/games/the Jets one week at a time. First the Jets have to get past the Titans. However, I am surprised you do not feel some sort of kinship for Mr. Sanchez as you too share the same birthday. (We Scorpios need to stick together.) And what's the deal with you rooting for the Saints?

  7. I lived 6 years in new orleans - the saints grow on ya!
