Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Barack Obama, killer of flies, promoter of truancy

For those of you who have noted (or been irked) that President Barack Obama is not easily bugged, take note. Yesterday, during an interview with CNBC's John Harwood, President Obama momentarily lost his cool when he discovered he was being bugged, by a very large house -- or in this case, White House -- fly.

Using his superhero lightning reflexes, though, the POTUS quickly put an end to the interloper, who was not on the approved visitor list.

In other Presidential News, while Barack Obama says it is vital to provide our children with a good education, so they can successfully compete in a global economy/marketplace, his actions say otherwise.

Just last week at a presidential town hall meeting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, the President went out of his way to write an impressionable 10-year-old girl who was playing hooky from school a note excusing her absence. While some may say the girl's father, who had been selected to ask the President a question at the meeting, was at fault here, having allowed his fourth-grade daughter to miss a day of school so she could attend the meeting with him, we know who is ultimately to blame...

Barack Obama, promoter of truancy.


  1. How would we even know whether or not the fly was on the visitor list, given Obama's unprecedented refusal to release the logs?

    Also, the use of a young girl to detract attention from the issues is disgusting and similarly unprecedented. 2012 cannot come soon enough.

  2. Do you think the PETA people will cause a ruckus over the fly? It would have been more impressive kill w/ a pair of chopsticks.

    Dave S...relax dude, you live in Arlington! Go put on your brown flip flops and get yourself a latte!

  3. But I live in the country part, not the fly flip-floppy foshizzle part! Although I am working the Harris Teeter coffee angle at the moment...

  4. OMG, EMM!!! You must be clairvoyant! Check this out re PETA and the Flyswatter in Chief. You just can't make this stuff up. Well, you can, but then someone goes and makes it for reals!
