Friday, May 22, 2009

Twitter, so easy a cat can do it. Plus: Kitties!

I may be biased here, but I always thought our cats, Felix and Flora, were smarter than the average cat. But they are no Sockington (nickname "Socks").

Who is this Sockington and how could he possible be smarter than my two geniuses? Well, despite them being able to type, neither Felix nor Flora has figured out how to microblog, unlike Sockington, who apparently not only microblogs but has over 500,000 followers on Twitter.

And for those skeptics and haters who say it isn't Sockington at all but his chief of staff, Jason Scott, a 38-year-old computer historian and computer administrator from Waltham, MA, who is in fact ghost Tweeting for the gray-and-white feline, all I can say is your heart is two sizes too small. And watch for the announcement of Felix and Flora's Twitter pages.

Btw, speaking of Felix and Flora, the FURminator arrived in the mail about a week ago, and I am going to attempt to FURminate both cats this weekend. Video (and possibly Tweets) to come.

Lastly, in honor of Memorial Day weekend, a memorable kitty video clip, courtesy of friend of the blog VB and Cute Overload. (Note: No kitties were harmed in the making of this video.)

Wishing you a memorable holiday weekend...


  1. Ninety three seconds
    Whack-a-kitty made my day
    It's downhill from here

  2. That was so sweet that several of my teeth spontaneously rotted. Or was that a weird Freudian dream I had?

    Sometimes a litter of kittens in a box being struck by a phallic symbol is just a cigar.

  3. I read a bit from Socks-waaaay into himself.

    Kitties in a box is always cute! Look at those faces! Aaaaaaaaaah...
