Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stormy days ahead for U.S. Senate?

Louisiana has always had an interesting political history, but now a new provocative -- dare I say, titillating? -- chapter is being written, as former porn star and current political aspirant Stormy Daniels takes on former john and current Louisiana Senator David Vitter (R) in the 2010 Louisiana Senate race.

Here's Stormy and busty news babe Contessa Brewer sharing some girl talk on MSNBC a couple weeks ago, during Stormy's listening tour:

Since then, Stormy has made it official, creating an exploratory committee in her quest to become the next junior Senator from the great State of Louisiana. (I wonder who her senior advisor is, Bill Clinton? As for campaign manager, native son James Carville gets my vote.)

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with David Vitter, he's the Harvard-educated Congressman whose number was found in the phone records of D.C. Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey a couple of years back -- and begged forgiveness from God and his wife (in that order) after getting caught with his pants down.

For those of you unfamiliar with Stormy Daniels, she was editor of her high school newspaper, in addition to serving as president of her school’s 4-H club, before going on to have a lucrative career as an actress, screenwriter, and director of Wicked adult films.

Btw, for those of you who doubt that Ms. Daniels has the intellectual heft to be taken seriously, according to published reports, she fielded questions from fellow Louisianians quite adroitly during her recent listening tour and could be a serious contender for the Louisiana U.S. Senate seat.

Considering the number of big boobs already in Congress, Ms. Daniels, should she be elected, would be right at home.


  1. How does one become a member of that there "exploratory committee." Tommy Mac likes the sound of that....

  2. Just click on the "exploratory committee" link in the post, Tommy, to find out how you can help.

  3. Vitter may have been caught with his pants down but at least he kept his diaper on.

  4. A politically astute MoishieMay 26, 2009 at 9:20 AM

    She will make for great copy -- "Stormy days ahead...of competitors," "Stormy Weathers Difficult Primary Battle," Stormy Clouds the Race!!!" -- and, you know what? If California can elect the freakin' HGH-lovin' Terminator as Governor, surely Louisiana can elect Ms. Stormy as Senator. Think of the YouTube possibilities....you read it here first: Stormy is going to win.

  5. Actually, Vitters had told his wife years before he was caught and had ceased the behavior before the records came out. However, she will be a big hit on Bourbon street where to the cries of "show us your tits" she can oblige. Vitters not so much. And btw what party is she from?

  6. Will 'we the people'
    Down in Louisiana
    Elect a porn queen?

  7. "Stormy Spanks Vitter"
    "Stormy on Top of Pol[l]"


    I'll be in my bunk on Election Night.

  8. And let us not forget, "Stormy and Vitter go head to head."

    Re your question, JJV, last I heard she was considering running as an Independent, though I know she has many Republican fans.

  9. Can't claim credit for this one but just saw "Porn to Run." Are you keeping a list, Dave S.? : )

  10. Ahh this brings back fond memories of the 1991 loUiSiAna gubernatorial election known locally as the Klan vs the Crook (David Duke vs Edwin Edwards).

    Stormy has some impressive credentials including the proud winner of the 2007 Golden G-string award!

  11. If I remember correctly, one of the Edwards campaign slogans was "Vote for the Crook - It's Important"...
