Monday, May 4, 2009

Really, is anyone suprised...

that professional athletes (cough*Alex Rodriguez*cough) take steroids, even after they've denied it?

when politicians are caught cheating on their wives (cough*Elliot Spitzer*cough*Silvio Berlusconi*cough*John Edwards*cough*Newt Gingrich*cough)? (There are plenty more names I could add to that list, but I barely have breath and Robitussin left as it is.)

to learn that Victoria's Secret models have fake boobs (excuse me, surgically enhanced breasts)?

that the media exaggerates and manipulates the news for ratings (cough*swine flu*cough) or is biased (cough*Fox News*cough)?

that Kirstie Alley gained back all the weight she lost on Jenny Craig -- and swears she will lose it again?

If so, wake up, people! Stop being so naive!

Oh, and have a nice day. : )


  1. Cough...sniffle...heave...wheaze...cough...cough...

  2. If A-rod were cheating with Newt Gingrich after he took steroids and got fake boobs, now that would be surprising.

  3. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...the stain on her dress was from the chips and dip."

    ...enough said

  4. I have no idea whom you are referring to, Scott. ; )

    @J Barker, if Newt lost a few pounds, grew out his hair, dyed it blond, and took up singing, it could happen. (Oh wait. That was Madonna.)

    That better not be the swine flu you're dripping all over the comments, Anonymous!

  5. I am old school-Avaian...jeez!

  6. Wait wait wait wait wait
    i thought all that stuff was true
    go burst that bubble

  7. Scott,

    All Bill had to do to get away with the whole Monica thing was to convert to Fundamental Mormonism and claim he had a relevation to claim Monica as a spiritual wife. This would hvae absolved him of any wrongdoing.

  8. Yeah, but it wouldn't have saved him from Hilary's wrath, Anonymous #2. (Hey, Mitt Romney, are you paying attention?)

    And sorry to burst your bubble, Larissa. I know... I know...

  9. It's amazing to me that the White House staff thinks we will believe what they say Joe Biden "meant" to say.

  10. tear, choke, tear, LEAVE...cough...KIRSTIE...t-tear...ALONE.

  11. Kirstie, get off of David this instant!

  12. wait, victoria secret models have fake boobs?!!

  13. Shocking, I know, but true, Amy, though I am sure some of them still only have the mammaries their mamas (or papas) gave them.

    And David, I would happily leave Kirstie alone, if she would just GTF off my TV and go lose and gain weight in private. The first few times, I felt for the former bar wench, and, I admit, I enjoyed those Jenny commercials. But come on! (I just hope Valerie stays cute and doesn't go the Kirstie route.)

  14. Yeah, Kirstie is a big wide load again and has no one to blame but herself.

  15. Let's leave Victoria's Secrets models out this, please.
