Friday, May 15, 2009

Because it's all about the penis

I know you all don't believe me when I tell you I don't go looking for this stuff, it just pops up when I least expect it, but it's true! Like last night, I decide to check out the marketing blog of this guy I met at a networking event, and found this staring me in the face:

And I was, like, wtf is that doing here? (When I told the story to a friend, who is also acquainted with this person, his immediate response was, "It's because he's a prick!" Which totally explains it.)

Then this morning, I'm reading and -- BOING! -- I see "Out of work? At least the Viagra's free." And again, I'm like, wtf is going on here? (For the record, Pfizer's not just giving away Viagra. The drug maker is providing more than 70 of its prescription drugs at no cost to unemployed, uninsured Americans, who have lost jobs since Jan. 1 and have been on the Pfizer drug for three months or more.)

So then I go back to the home page, and there at the top is this hard-hitting news story about an "adult" (i.e., sexually explicit) theme park set to open in China, the intention of which, supposedly, is to get the Chinese to talk about sex. Though considering that China is the most populous country in the world, you would think that they had figured out this sex thing a while ago. More importantly, this is one of your five lead-off stories, Really?

And then I looked at the other "top" stories, about the NBA finals and a possible U.S. - Canada trade war, and I'm thinking: Okay, you got sports, war, and sex. Hmm... I wonder which gender this is aimed at? (Btw, that would be a rhetorical question.)

So I surf on over to to get a reality check, as well as, hopefully, some gender balanced coverage, and there I find, right there at the top of the home page, the WASHINGTONIAN cover with a shirtless Barack Obama, accompanying the teaser for Judith Warner's latest blog post, titled "A Hot Time in Washington."

Finally, some news I can relate to.

Here's to finding what you're looking for, online and off...

UPDATED 5/18/09: I just learned from the blog "I could cry but I don't have time" that it was recently National Penis Day in Japan (though it may not be called exactly that). Still, whatever the official designation, the pictures from the celebration (PG-13?) are well worth a look. (The spouse particularly liked the penis nose funny glasses.)


  1. Well things are just looking up for you today I guess....smirk, smirk!

    This reminds me of an ad client I know through my parenting org here who befriended me thru flickr and then proceeded to post all sorts of sexually explicit videos on my wall. I think some people have a different definition of "boundaries" than us.....

  2. Thank you for that penetrating post, although I found myself thinking about baseball toward the end.

  3. It's what people get
    I wonder what will come next
    Real hard hitting news?

  4. It is a man's world. And while we are on that subject-Obama is hot-truth in print!

  5. Is that adult park sponsored by Purell? Do NOT go on the water rides....

    Hey Dave S., have you seen my new blog -- baseball satire? If you're not interested in baseball,, well, then you're screwed.... but if you are...

  6. Tommy, you forgot to mention Dorky Chucklebutt. Don't hide your light under a bushel, man!

  7. Dorky is on a summer hiatus. She needs some help.

  8. I had a similar thing happen to me a while back, LMC, and when I told this person it was inappropriate he said, "Jeez, can't you take a joke?!" Ha ha. I then fired him.

    Thanks, as always, for erecting so many witty comments, Dave S.Larissa, you've been missed. When are you getting a job with Daily Haiku News? ; )

    Anonymous, you are correct: Obama is HOT.

    And Tommy... Well, what can I say? (For the record, I ALWAYS carry around a container of Purell/hand sanitizer.) One of these days, though, you and Dave S. and I should all go out for a beer -- or maybe I should just get you and Dave a room some place. ; )

  9. J-

    LOL You are a creative genius. Tweeted the article this morning!

  10. I just learned from the blog "I could cry but I don't have time" that it was recently National Penis Day in Japan (though it may not be called exactly that). Still, whatever the official designation, the pictures from the celebration (PG-13?) are well worth a look. (The spouse particularly liked the penis nose funny glasses.)
