Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where has all the good news gone?

Every time I turn on cable news or read the news online these days, all I find is one awful, depressing story after another. In fact, it's gotten to the point where I can barely read or watch the news.

Surely, even in these dark times, with people losing jobs and homes, wars being waged, earthquakes and other natural disasters wreaking havoc, and chimpanzees attacking people, there must be some good news? Some sweet little tale of someone doing something right, right?

So I went on a mission, to see if somewhere some good news lurked. And, sure enough, I found the good I was after, a whole network of it, entitled, appropriately enough, GoodNewsNetwork.

Immediately when I saw the quote from Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger right there at the top of the home page, I started to feel better about life. And by the time I got to the story of the "Touching Squirrel Rescue in North Dakota Floods," I was crying tears of joy. Until I clicked on the story and found out that you had to subscribe, and that after your 30-day free trial ran out, you had to pay $2 a month, which made me sad, and why I linked to a free version of the squirrel story from ABC News.

But then I found Happy News, and I felt a little better... a little... happier. Until I saw the story about the legless boy running a marathon, which seemed kinda cruel, making a legless boy run a marathon. Though I'm sure it had a happy ending.

So I Googled "good news" and discovered that there are, in fact, 300,000,000 results, which is good news indeed. There's even a site where you can post as well as read good news stories, Good News Daily (though I'm not sure if some readers would consider any story featuring Secretary Clinton "good" news).

Got a feel-good story you'd like to share? (FYI: Yankees and Phillies stories don't count -- unless it's about them losing : ) Let me know, cause I could sure use some cheering up.

UPDATED 4/9/09 @ 6:55 A.M.
Finally, some good news (no thanks to Another David S. and EMM : ( )! Scott MacIntyre got kicked off American Idol AND the Mets are 2 - 0! (Though I would feel better if the Mets started Johan Santana every or every other game; Pelfrey and Perez have me worried.)


  1. Hence why I don't watch the news...filling your mind with the mindless bad news only brings you down.

    So happy you found a positive news source.

    Where is your American Idol post today?

    I think noop alex and red head KILLED it...

    Sadly Big Squares was another disappointment. Oh Well

  2. Actually, since Obama went to Europe, the message of HOPE seemed to be more prevalent.

    My personal feel-good story yesterday? Spitzer's gremlin! There is a cute cartoon of it in today's NY Post.

    Hey, as bad as our lives are, at least we aren't Eliot - that is good news indeed!

  3. Deep down, don't you think good news is overrated? Reading about someone else's good fortune depresses me. But, hey, that's me.

  4. You can always count your blessings. That's sure to bring good news. You can thank God that you are where you are and not in a concentration camp or something awful like that.

    Or if you are in need of financial good news, you can talk to folks who bought Citi for $1.00 and doubled their money in a week. (presently 2.80)The banks are taking our money, we may as well make something back from them. You can gamble on Sirius (siri) which is at 34 cents. The odds are better than Mohegan Sun and hopefully the money lasts longer. I can't imagine they are going under if all the new cars which will eventually be bought have it installed. But what do I know?

  5. You want good news? Be glad it's not 2012--when all the *really* bad stuff is supposed to happen. If even half of what's predicted comes true, then these are the salad days. So live it up! ;-)

  6. Scott, I am so bored and disappointed with Idol that I couldn't muster a post. Sorry Dawg. Can you believe, I actually forgot that Adam still had to perform, and turned off the TV at 9?! I know! But I agree that Allison was good and Danny was OK, too. But who the heck is "Alex"?

    Lizzy, Spitzer totally bums me out. How come HE has a gig with Slate and I don't? (That is a rhetorical question, btw. He went to Harvard with the publisher.) And from I've been reading, he's not exactly suffering, financially or personally. In fact, people have been bandying his name about as a replacement for Geithner as Treasury Secretary. Maybe I should hire a gigolo or, better yet, live my dream of running a high-priced call girl service. It would certainly pay better than my current gig.

    And Dan, CHEER UP. Jeez. You sound like those people I read about who are pessimism junkies and get off on bad news.

    And thanks for nothing, Another David S.. I'm this close to swallowing the rest of the bottle of ibuprofen and you are not helping. : (

    I'm seriously starting to wonder about you people...

  7. It would be good news to me if you put up another American Idol post so I can talk about Adam Lambert. Over at that other blog if I mention AI the crickets are overwhelming . . .

  8. Go ahead and extol Adam here, Marindenver. I was going to do an Idol post, titled "Idol FAIL," but couldn't muster enough enthusiasm. And several of my female friends ADORE Adam and want him to win -- and would welcome your comments. As I've stated before, I think Adam's got talent, but I just don't see him as a big recording star, more as a headline act in Vegas or on the Great White Way.

  9. I don't think Adam's going to hit the pop charts (thank goodness), his style is much more indie. He's a riveting performer whatever he does. It's hard to know where he'll end up but I'm not really seeing Vegas. I think he'll kind of chart his own path.

    It's interesting to me that my daughter, my husband and I all love him and we all have totally different musical interests.

  10. By the way, why is it that you think this is such a terrible AI season? This is just curiosity - I never watched it before last year and only started at about Top 6 due to controversy over Jason Castro and whether or not the judging was rigged/Paula was too sloshed to write her own notes, etc. But it seems all years, from what I've heard, the talent is pretty mediocre except for 3 or 4 that stand out from the start and end up fighting for the win. (Due to my work schedule right now, CPA, my blogging is limited to odd moments when I need a break from work and I haven't checked in on your earlier AI posts this spring. Sorry!)

  11. J, you need a girls night out to drink and cavort with the ladies (or a trip to Paris - hint, hint). My good good friend Shay is in town this week and we are having a blast. Tonight it's dinner and drinks out with some friends, tomorrow, it's a sleepover date with her son and my son. Sure, the world is crumbling around us (literally in Italy) but with good friends around, you can make your own good news! :)

  12. Now THAT is the kind of feel-good, comment I am talking about, people! Thank you Little Miss Cupcake! Finally, some good news! Btw, your cupcake blog ALWAYS makes me smile.

    And Marindenver, I think I'm just jaded at this point. Been watching since Season 2, and can't deal with all the hype and cliches any more. And while the caliber of singer is better this year, I don't really like any of them, except maybe Lil, or care too much who wins or loses.

  13. I love that squirrel rescue story! In my infinite altruism, I will occasionally perform similar rescues for gnats or flies that are drowning in my glass of Cabernet.

    I'll confess an ulterior motive in that I don't want to ingest the insects. Okay, so it's not altruistic. But heartwarming nonetheless, no? I mean, I don't squash them afterward...

  14. David S.- what is happening in 2012? Besides the usual "end of world" predictions?

    I remember being terrified during all the third grade about Nostrodomous' (sp) latest, "the end of the world is this year!" I quivered all year!

    That was in 1975. When I look back on it, 1975 was actually a good year! Bell bottoms and disco - what could be better?

  15. You call bell bottoms and disco a good year? You must be one of those glass full people, or sniffed too much glue in elementary school. ; ) I was going to spot you disco, cause there were a few songs I thought were OK, but bell bottoms?

    I will let Another David S. respond to the 2012 query, as I'm not quite sure what he's referring to. It just better not be depressing, David, or no chocolate chip M&M cookies. ; P

  16. Bell bottoms never went away. They're now called "flare" or "boot cut". ;-)

  17. Even though I think I'm all negative, people perceive me as positive and happy. S*&^ sometimes I just want to tell people to F%$# off!

    I do try to find the happy in small things. Today it was drinks and a really good sandwich after work w/ some amazing colleagues.

    The 2012 thing...on 12/21/12 the Mayan Calendar, Nostrodamus, etc. all align to say the end of the world will occur. There was a History Channel gig recently that brought a number of theories togehter. It could just mean that on this day the world as we know it ends, and a new one begins. The Hopi Indians are more positive in their interpretation. Or, we're all F^%$ed and we won't even know what hit us.


  18. Thanks for nothing, EMM. You are so not getting those dark chocolate chip M&M cookies, Another David S.. You have ruined my day, even though the Mets are 2 - 0 and Scott MacIntyre was finally kicked off American Idol. YEA.

    Btw, good point, Marindenver. But don't you have tax returns to prepare and file? ; )

  19. Yes, J. I do. But I'm taking another break. :-)

    To share with you in the happiness that Scott McIntyre got the boot.

    And also to express that maybe that 2012 thing (the beginning of a whole new world) means the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be resolved, peace will have come to Darfur and the middle east, the global economic system will be well regulated and secure, AIDS infection in Africa will be under control due to the enlightened use of funds for PREVENTION again, all adults in this country will have equal protection under the law, including the right to marry, and, well, you get the picture.

  20. Marindenver you have just earned yourself a delicious batch of dark chocolate chip M&M cookies. THANK YOU for that uplifting comment.

    At least one person out there has a positive attitude (ahem).

  21. It wasn't MY idea...I just watch too much TV!!!

    Here are some happy thoughts for you: Rice Krispie easter eggs, the Washington Post Peeps Diorama photos, a 4 day weekend for me, home opening day on Monday and our sales goal was lowered by HQ.

  22. I seem to have arrived at this thread very late. Did I miss out on the cookies?

  23. The cookies have yet to be awarded (or baked), Dave. At this point, it's a tie between Marindenver and EMM, who resurrected her chances by mentioning the Washington Post Peeps Diorama photos (titled Peeps Show II), which are downright awesome.
