Sunday, April 12, 2009

Reasons to celebrate Easter (even if you're not a Christian)

And the Top Five Reasons to Celebrate Easter (even if you're not a Christian) are...

5. Bunnies!

4. Easter eggs!

3. Easter egg hunts!

2. Chocolate Easter eggs!

1. The Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest (aka the Peeps Show)!*

*If you haven't seen the pictures of the 40 Peeps Show finalists, click on the link above. They are Peeptastic! I am particularly fond of "Peep/Tuck." (H/T to EMM)


  1. We always enjoy the parts about betrayal, denial, torture, pain, and death, too!!!

  2. I knew I forgot something. ; ) You nailed me on that one Not Moishie...

  3. yeah, it provided us with a pretty cool fable.....

  4. OMG, talk about a Peeps Show! That picture is HYSTERICAL, Powa. Thanks for sharing. : )

  5. J, glad you're now on the "peep wagon". I've said it before, but "next year...". It might be my turn to enter the contest.

    My head feels like it is stuffed full of peeps. It better clear up before tomorrow's home opener for the current WORST TEAM in baseball.

    Go peeps!

  6. We didn't get to the egg-dyeing but Laura and the kids made Sun Bread (He, indeed, has risen) while I removed a vast quantity of English Ivy from our yard.

  7. A DOUBLE pun... squeeee. Well done, Dave S. So, are you going to plant some good ole American ivy in its stead? Btw, I hope you were not comparing eradicating weeds to eradicating Our Savior (or rather Your Savior)... More importantly, no peeps were harmed in the process, yes?

  8. The ivy removal was inspired by our on-site appointment with a "gardening coach," who a) told us some of the previously-unidentified things we have on our property (bonus: some of the things that look dead are not - yay! Just like JC, I guess) and b) gave us advice on other things we might want to plant.

    I do plan to celebrate Pentecost by staying away from the bushes by our front door for fear of the Yews.

  9. chocolate easter eggs blow away chocolate covered matzoh any day!!

    the washington post peeps rock this year. aretha's hat is to die for
