Monday, February 9, 2009

Why not put the stimulus package to a popular vote?

Call me crazy or naive, but we're talking about a whole lot of money, potentially over a trillion dollars here, which will effect the lives of U.S. citizens for many years and generations to come. Why note vote on it, like we do with other ballot initiatives, referendums (or referenda), and propositions?

Plenty of towns and cities across the United States already hold budgetary votes and vote on important local and statewide issues. So why not treat the stimulus package in the same way? Let the House and Senate take their best shot at creating a stimulus plan and then, I say, let's open it up to a national vote! If a majority of voters is for it, it passes/gets enacted. If a majority votes against it, it goes back to the drawing board or dies.

And please, spare me all the talk about the expense and coordination. This is our money, people. I think we should have a say in how it is spent.

UPDATED 6:15 P.M.:
Click here to see a comparison of the $827 billion economic recovery plan drafted by Senate Democrats and President Barack Obama with a $820 billion version passed by the House, provided by the Associated Press. Also, President Obama will hold a no-doubt stimulating press conference tonight at 8 p.m. ET.

AND WHILE WE ARE ON THE SUBJECT OF STIMULI... Was anyone really surprised to learn that Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez took "performance enhancing" drugs for several years, or believes his pathetically lame excuses? Puh-lease. So much for "natural ability." Seriously, are there any top professional athletes out there who are not now nor have ever taken some kind of performance helper? Name names.


  1. The whole way this "bailout bullcrap" has been handled since the beginning of the recession is making me sick. Giving people and illegal aliens money who DON'T even pay taxes is flat out LUNACY!

    We are going down the tubes faster than you can say "oh crap."

    The whole bailout is nothing more than a ponzi scheme that we have no control over. Our forefathers are probably turning in their graves as they are seeing this unfold.

  2. We are a republic, not a democracy. Submitting this to referendum is not a good idea.

    Ask California how the popularly-decided Proposition 13 is working out for them. Sure, it got its backer a cameo in Airplane! but it's been a much less funny disaster for that state.

  3. I agree with Dave on the Republic thing. However, Prop 13 is not a disaster, the highest sales and income tax in the nation are the disaster. The Golden State has driven the productive from its territory. And its "the Sainted Howard Jarvis" to you Dave.
