Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Special Ash Wednesday blog post: You might not be repentant if...

In honor of Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent, a little Lenten humor, which I'd like to call "You might not be repentant if..."

You might not be repentant if...

All your prayers involve a certain Sports Illustrated swimsuit model.

You might not be repentant if...

You gave up your virginity for Lent.

You might not be repentant if...

Your idea of sacrifice means not Twittering, but you think emailing, Facebooking, and IMing are all okay.

You might not be repentant if...

You only gave up imported beer for Lent.

You might not be repentant if...

You think "fasting" means going over the speed limit.

You might not be repentant if...

You think almsgiving means spending your paycheck at an Indian casino.

You might not be repentant if...

Your idea of penance is reading your friends' blogs.


  1. Wow!, how many bracelets is she wearing?

  2. A really fun blog, and a Happy Ash Wednesday to you. As a Victorian-ist, I can’t help gasping over the pose in that swimsuit photo. How much silicon did she inject? As for Jesus Beer: who dreams these things up?

  3. What if prayer involves more than one swimsuit model?

    Lenten sacrifice is all about the loopholes. A co-blogger of mine would give up alcohol but hit the bars at midnight Saturday night, citing the fact that Sundays are not actually part of Lent. He was on much shakier ground for the St. Patrick's Day exemption but you can bet the Boston archdiocese came up with something to get around that (thanksgiving for Evacuation Day, perhaps).

  4. Yeah, my eyes went immediately to Brooklyn Decker's... bracelets, too. Not.

    As for you Dave S., that will be 10 Hail Marys. (I am also praying that your co-blogger leaves a comment, too. ; )

  5. What is repentant?
    What's up with the model chick?
    The questions abound.

  6. We did not have the "Sunday's don't count" rule at my house. In addition to our lenten sacrifice, my mom made us pick "to dos" from a basket each day. They were kind of kid-community service; call grandma, visit an elderly neighbor, say something nice about your sister, etc.

    I decided to give up driving to work, I've become too lazy! One day of driving costs more than taking the metro for a week (plus it is not very "green"). As a lapsed Catholic, this is the most I've committed to since I was a teenager.

  7. That picture ought to drive traffic.

  8. Who on Earth would ever give up imported beer? That's just plain silly.

    Jesus may or may not have died for me. If he did, how can I give him Cheers with domestic swill?? And if he didn't -- well then why should I be giving up anything for him???

    While you're not repenting you can have fun here ...

  9. Her penance will be the sand !! It gets everywhere and you never seem to quite get rid of it !!!

    People shouldn't leave their rubbish on the beach....I would have taken it home !!!!
