Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You can tell a lot about a guy from his ring finger

And I am not talking about whether he is married or not. Though while I am on the subject, what is it about married guys not wearing a wedding ring -- or removing their wedding ring when they are out of town? (That, btw, is a rhetorical question -- and save me the "I'm just not comfortable wearing a ring all the time" answer, fellas.)

But back to the subject at hand (so to speak). According to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge, men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers tend to be more financially successful, oftentimes much more so, than their counterparts with longer index fingers. The same ring-to-index finger ratio also, according to a number of studies (yes, there has been more than one), is a good predictor of success in competitive sports -- and sexual prowess, or at least desire.

(Okay, how many of you looked at your hands after reading that sentence? I thought so. For the record, my ring fingers are noticeably longer than my index fingers while the spouse's are shorter.)

Interestingly, a similar study that looked at the ring-to-index finger ratio of male faculty members in university math, science, and engineering departments discovered a preponderance of longer index fingers.

No mention in either study as to how many of the subjects were married and wore wedding rings.


  1. Moishie, Shiemoi, and their coach, Steven, all have MUCH longer ring fingers than index fingers. This DOES explain our success. We always thought our success came from working hard, buckling down, trying, thinking, learning....but it's all genetics. DNA. Hard-wired fingers.

    We all learn so much from J-Two O. It's our favorite blog. From science to sports to politics to social networking tips (and fun YouTube animal videos, too!), J-Two O is a the REAL Daily Beast.

  2. so funny that you posted this story. i heard this on the news last night and thought of writing about this.

    yes, i looked at my hands and my ring finger is longer but it would seem that the study excluded woman, so maybe the long digit is commonplace with those of us with female parts.

    hmmmm, will have to check out the (ringless) hug when he gets home. and no i do not care that he doesn't wear the ring. 23 years and going strong!

  3. haha. that would be ringless 'hub' although i am sure he would not mind that hug in this frigid weather

  4. I never thought I'd be able to say this: Mine's longer. For me it translated into being smart enough to marry someone who was good with money.

    As far as my wedding band is concerned, I have bony hands so it would take some effort to get the thing past the knuckle. However, I have never considered doing that so the point, while bony, is moot.

  5. The study also showed that men with longer index fingers had very satisfied partners (often multiple partners....see Love, Big)

    As a result of being much poorer than their long ring finger counterparts, they become pool boys, delivery men, snow plow drivers and therefore irresistible to the partners of the longer ring finger dudes.

    One researcher called it the "the classic chicken and the egg" scenario.

    "Believe me, I researched this question ad nauseum and I'm still trying hard to figure it out," said Dr. Anne B. Dextrous. "Are they born digital dynamos with those long, talented index fingers or are they masking their pain of being financially inferior to those stubby index Wall Street types. I'm not sure but I do love those small focus groups and plan to conduct many, many more."

  6. Thanks for all the great, funny comments, guys! : )

    You are way more secure than I am, Amy. Good for you!

  7. A recent studu also cites that shorter index finger in males may also indicate that they are gay. A lot going on with finger length!

  8. What if your fingers are the same length?

    does that make you a middle class bi-sexual?

  9. And my ring finger, in addition to being longer, is crooked (as is my pinkie). I wonder what that means... ; )

    So am I going to have to blog about mens feet next?

  10. You Rock J! What a hoot! This news ranks up there with cell phones popping corn kernels. Great party conversation starter...

  11. Wait a minute. Cell phones can pop corn kernels?! And here I've been using a microwave! The things one learns from blogging!

  12. My ring finger is longer on my left hand than on my right (both are longer than my index fingers)...oddly enough, I'm left handed.

    My dad was a fireman and did not wear his wedding ring while "on duty". I don't believe this was ever an issue for my parents.

  13. Yea, I've got my mother's hands it appears and the ring finger is longer - I tried that trick with my fingers where you do with your shoulders where you can make one look longer than the other. I just don't have the length to push the pointer longer... Maybe I'm trying too hard... ;)

  14. EMM, removing one's wedding ring in the line of work, like your dad, putting it back on later, or taking it off temporarily because you don't want to lose it (e.g., while swimming, taking a shower, at the gym), is different -- and smart.
