Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2009...

according to, I am sure, a very scientific survey conducted by Why 99 instead of, oh, 100? I guess you would have to ask the man in charge of the poll, James Bassil, editor-in-chief of, who denied accusations that the list was based on looks alone.

“Obviously good looks are one quality, but intelligence, ambition and humor also count,” Bassil told Reuters.

Uh huh. Immediately when I hear the name Jessica Simpson (Number 70 on the list), I think "intelligence." And I am sure her "intelligences," both of them, are what drew Dallas Cowboys Quarterback Tony Romo to her.

And lest you think the list only includes those lovely ladies who have yet to experience the effects of gravity and other horrors (though not plastic surgery from the looks of many of them), Mr. Bassil assures us, “There are women in their mid to late 30s on this list who may be old by industry standards, but you see more mature women on this list."

Mid to late 30s. Wow. That IS old. (Just shoot me now.) Though French First Lady and singer (and former model and Mick Jagger mistress) Carla Bruni, who is in her 40s, made the list (behind Simpson, at Number 76).

At No. 1, because I know you are all dying to know, actress Eva Mendes, followed by actress (and I use the term "actress" loosely) Megan Fox and Victoria's Secret model Marissa Miller.

To see the full list and rank each pick, go to

And if you feel someone was unjustly left off the list, or have a quibble with anyone on the list, do let me know about it via a Comment. (Personally, I have no idea how Elisabeth Hasselbeck made it to No. 56, ahead of Aishwarya Rai (at No. 60), or even on the list, for that matter. Score another one for the blondes.)

And speaking of desirable or undesirable women, Caroline Kennedy is said to be withdrawing her bid to be junior Senator from the State of New York, due to her Uncle Edward Kennedy's poor health (cough). Official announcement to follow.


  1. Anne Hathaway number 5?

  2. Angelina Jolie #42? Who are those girls? Most can only be found in FHM pin up section-I guess?

  3. With apologies to someone who said it a little differently under different circumstances with a different audience in mind: I imagine the chief excitement in many of these women's lives is spotting other women who are fatter than they are.

  4. Who are these women? Maybe if I read men's magazines I'd know.

    I do know that I would not want to be ooompah loompah orange with fake boobs and glow in the dark dental work to be considered attractive.


  5. Well, it is from so what are you going to expect? Let's see -- Eva Mendes who is a known party girl at #1? No big surprise! Megan Fox who has been quoted as saying that she just wants to have sex all the time and has the libido of a 12 year-old...what? Men dig that? :) BTW, I noticed that you can vote on their site for the Top 49 Most Influential Men (note that it is NOT the Hottest Men!):

  6. Yeeouch! Those painted plastic dolls are desirable women? Desirable for what beyond eye-candy? Does a guy really want to make love to a woman more concerned with her looks, her hair, her image, and her plastic boobs than with their mutual pleasure? Can he talk to her? Will she listen to him? Does she have the intelligence to understand and share with him?

    Sorry, but I find “very scientific survey” a depressing comment on the state of American non-culture.

  7. It is just skin deep
    Sports Illustrated look out
    Eating disorders

  8. J:

    Until I stop hearing women tell me how hot Keanu Reeves is, there will be room for Jessica Simpson....He's the male version (though I don't see the appeal. I think he looks like a dog that chased a brick wall

  9. Man, you are in some foul mood, Tommy. SNAP OUT OF IT.

    For the record, I have never found Keanu that desirable. In fact, I find very few (if any) of today's male (or female) celebrities desirable. Back in the day, though, I thought Christopher Reeve (fresh off the first "Superman") was very desirable. Purrrrr.

    So is no one going to comment on the Caroline Kennedy news?
