Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa brought me my "official" Obama-Biden t-shirt... so now we can properly celebrate Obamakkah!

(For the record, the "official" t-shirt looks suspiciously like some of those unofficial Obama-Biden t-shirts, though I'm guessing those shirts cost a whole lot less.)

Wow, Barack Obama must be really well connected to get Santa to deliver his t-shirts for him! (Or -- could it be?! -- maybe Barack literally gave me the shirt off his back, since you know these days he prefers to go topless.)

My teddy bear, Bearack Obearma, was so excited about finally getting our official Obama-Biden t-shirt, I let him model it.

He can bearly contain his excitement (like me)!

I hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas and/or Hanukkah this year.

Got something really nifty? Leave me a comment. (However, I will only publish comments rated G, PG, or PG-13 -- and will delete those I deem inappropriate.)

UPDATED 12/27/08 @ 9:19 AM: We finally were home to participate in the Festival of Light, or, as we now call it, Obamakkah, last night:


  1. Very cute! I think I was supposed to get one of those...or maybe it was some sort of bumper sticker or magnet. Whatever...I'm not holding my breath. Your bear looks great!

    I got exactly what I wanted for Xmas cause I learned the hard way to buy my gifts myself...otherwise, I'd end up with an empty stocking. Bah humbug!

  2. See, I knew Barack would not forget about you! It was actually pretty speedy delivery compared to my t-shirt from this summer! I got overwhelmed with holiday-ness due to arrival of relatives, etc. (including oldest son bringing his stunning and delightful new girlfriend home to meet us for the first time!) and never made it back to the "compliments" post so I missed seeing you in your party going loveliness since I see you have now taken the pic down. :-(. Maybe another time! (And may I join in on the bashing of the Anonymous commenter. FOAD Anon, as they say.)

  3. Time for a change? Does that mean little Bearack needs a new diaper??

  4. Obamakkah! Now that's a holiday we can all believe in! Love the candles, they set off the t-shirt exquisitely.

  5. Yeah Obamakkah
    Much better than Chrismakkah
    Big bowl of popcorn

  6. The remaining two nights must have been kind of a letdown, huh? (Unless I am misreading the menorah.)
