Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary Clinton the Next Secretary of State?

As many of you probably know, the junior Senator from New York and former First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, was at Transition HQ in Chicago yesterday, meeting with President-Elect Barack Obama. And I don't think it was to give him tips on how to raise children in the White House or to suggest China patterns, despite the Obama camp saying that the talks were strictly "personal" in nature. Whatever that means.

Odds are the President Elect met with Senator Clinton to discuss what role she would/will play in the Obama Administration -- and right now the oddsmakers and pundits and talking heads are saying Hillary could be the next Secretary of State.

Although several folks in the know have been pegging or touting Hillary for Secretary of State since (and even before) Obama passed her over for Vice President (which, I believe, was much more about Bill than Hill), I never really thought much about it. Until this morning. And I think it's an interesting, and a good, pick -- and a nice plum or reward for Senator Clinton, who has done more than any other defeated candidate for President to support her opponent (in terms of campaigning and fundraising) than anyone else in history.

I also happen to think Barry and Hillary look kinda cute together.

Don't you?

Oh, and if by some chance someone from Senator Clinton's staff or the Obama camp happens to come across this post, consider this blog part of my application to serve in a Hillary Clinton-led State Department. I even listed the State Department as one of the places I'd like to work in the Obama-Biden Administration on the Long Application for Employment I filled out earlier this week, before I knew Senator Clinton was in contention to be Secretary of State. (Oh, and did I mention, we both went to Wellesley? Where's that Old Girl Network when you need it?)

So Rahm (Emanuel) or Hillary, if you are reading this, please email or call me.

Thank you.

UPDATED 4:08 P.M.: Clearly, Hillary is THE BIG topic of the day (besides the stock market crashing again and the wildfire in Santa Barbara). I've been reading lots of articles and some blog posts on the topic, and I found this one in Slate particularly amusing.

UPDATED 7:31 P.M.: Heard a line this afternoon that the reason Barack Obama wanted Hillary for Secretary of State was so that she would be the one to answer the phone at 3 a.m. Made me chuckle. Oh, and Hillary, or Friends of Hillary (FOH), if you are reading this blog, please ignore or forgive any early entries that were less than favorable. Bygones? And did I mention, you looked absolutely stunning in that royal blue (or was it tourquoise?) pantsuit and in that number you wore to the Al Smith dinner?


  1. I'll believe it when I see it. In the absence of actual news people are grabbing at whatever bits of fluff go sailing by, including this supposed leak from a previously leak-resistant operation.

  2. I don't believe it either. I see her doing a number of things; secretary of state is not one of them. I think it's her team trying to create buzz for the idea, but I doubt he will be offering her that slot.

  3. Yeah, and I wonder how smart of a move this would be for her if she is looking to do a run for Prez in 2012. But it would be kind of cool to see both of them in the White House at the same time.
