Friday, October 10, 2008

Your one-stop blog for the best current viral videos, from SNL on the last debate to a-ha to Hey Sarah Palin and Sarah Silverman

Didn't catch last night's special "Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update" take on Tuesday's presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain? Fear not!

Still haven't seen the "Sarah Palin Debate Flow Chart" (which can also be found here)? Here you go:

Want to watch/listen to "Hey Sarah Palin" again? No problem.

How about that really cool "Literal Video Version" of a-ha!'s "Take on Me"? Yup, got that, too:

And that new Paris Hilton gets fake advice from fake President Josiah "Jed" Bartlett about being a fake president video? Of course!

And if you are one of the five people who hasn't yet received a link to Sarah Silverman's videotaped plea to young voters to get their grandparents in Florida to vote for Barack Obama, here is "The Great Schlep":

Btw, you're welcome.

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