Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or treat: Which candidate or politician scares you the most?

Is it Barack Obama? John McCain? Sarah Palin? Nancy Pelosi*? Or someone else? Let me know which candidate or politician scares you the most -- and why.

Is it the exotic-looking black dude, who practically confessed to being a kindergarten communist?

Or the scary old white dude, my friends?

Is it the one from Wasilla who speaks in tongues?

Or the wench from Wellesley who the very idea of tonguing gives you nightmares?
The silver-tongued (and haired) devil whose tongue you really don't want to think about anymore?

Or the decider, whose decisions have resulted in a severe tongue lashing from his fellow Republicans?

I admit, they are a pretty scary lot, at least in Halloween mask form.

Which one scares you the most? Leave me a comment -- and tell me who scares you and why. Btw, feel free to write in your own candidate.

Have a safe and happy Halloween -- and remember to vote on November 4.

*I searched the Internet for a Nancy Pelosi mask but was unable to find one. Some might say her real face is scary enough.


  1. Palin by a landslide. As a Jesus Camp refugee, I find her talk about intercessions, prayer warriors, etc., beyond scary. She probably thinks "Left Behind" is a political playbook.

    PS: The word verification for this post is "muledriz." I find that icky and offensive. I almost tossed my waffle. Damn you, Blogger spam filter!

  2. which is scarier?
    Maybe it's the ideas...
    the fairness doctrine?

  3. I'm not sure what your angle is, Anon, but contrary to the hysterical emails pre-lamenting the loss of access to Limbaugh, Hannity and other wingnut screechers, Obama and McCain both oppose the Fairness Doctrine.

  4. Looks like Anon was going for the limerick structure over any actual point to be made. I cannot completely object to that.

    If someone showed up at my door in a Lieberman mask intoning "Trick or Treat" in a nasally whine, my heart would stop, and not in a good way. (Don't get any ideas, J.)

  5. Ah, that's right! (or left)
    Pelosi and Reid masks are not on display here.
    Then I'll just hang Palin from my house. If I'm black is that racist? If I'm a man is that sexist? If I'm a boy is that anti-mom?
    Yes, I know, Obama didn't do it, but he didn't speak out against it either. How about a little respect from either side?

  6. You know what really scares me? People with no intellectual curiosity; people who rejoice in ignorance; people who look down on and make fun of kids and adults who actually want to learn -- and then wonder why they can't get a job or America is losing jobs overseas; people who make fun of or ignore others suffering until they are suffering, and then it's all about them; people who think the golden rule means whomever has the gold makes the rules; and people who do not take their own advice or think the rules (or whatever) don't apply to them.

  7. Anon, the person who hanged Palin in effigy is a pea-brained, scum-sucking cretin. And the person who hanged Obama in effigy at the University of Kentucky this week (The McCain-Palin-Plumber troika were strangely silent on this incident, by the by...) was a slack-jawed, brain-dead yokel. And the McCain campaign worker who carved a "B" on her face and made up a story about a scary black man sexually molesting her and knifing Obama's initial into her noggin as a lesson to other impudent conservative hussies is a border-line personality disordered, attention-seeking, KKK-wannabe dork-nozzle. Is that respectful enough for ya?

  8. Yes, I know, Obama didn't do it, but he didn't speak out against it either.

    My dentist will love the extra business from all of my teeth-grinding. For the last time:

    There is a WORLD of difference between the response to a rally participant shouting out "Kill him!" and the response to some random yutz hanging a candidate in effigy. In the first case the headliner of the rally needs to address the outburst (if it was heard, and no I am not being snarky), while the opposing candidate is under no moral obligation to respond to the act of a random yutz regardless of the yutz's avowal's of acting in that candidate's name. If the yutz brings said effigy to a campaign event, then a response is required.

    I wrote that poorly but do you freakin' GET IT?

    Fifteen yards for moral equivalence, plus the offending commenter's section will no longer be visited by beer vendors.
