Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where was the bailout plan for the Mets?!

Why is Mr. Met sad? Because the Mets SUCK! They blew it. Once again, they blew their divisional lead in the last 17 games of the season -- and lost, once again, to the Florida Marlins, a bunch of FISH!, blowing what was left of their chances to make it to the National League Playoffs. But no. Done. Over. Last game at Shea Stadium. Ever. No playoffs. Feh.

Oliver Perez?! You call that a bailout plan? Joe Smith? Puh-lease. Stokes, Schoeneweis, Ayala, Feliciano? What a bunch of wusses. We needed a pitcher, not a bunch of belly-itchers.

Hey, I saw Tom Seaver at Shea the other day. Why didn't Jerry Manuel have Seaver pitch one last game? I bet the old boy still has a few good changeups and knuckle balls. Or what about Ron Darling? He looks to be in OK shape. Heck, my 10-year-old nephew could have probably pitched a better game than these supposed "relievers" and "closers" the Mets currently have.

You know how I spell relief? Sure as hell ain't S-M-I-T-H. Try R-O-L-A-I-D-S -- and make it the family size pack.

I say Jerry Manuel should have started Johan Santana, screw no days rest. Just PATHETIC. And I type this as a Mets fan from way back (though not since their founding, as I wasn't born then, but the post-Seaver 1970s and pre-1986 World Series Mets). Even the Mets usually reliable hitting just wasn't there today.

So now, as a result of some bad investments and trades, hundreds of thousands of Mets fans are suffering around the world, and there is no amount of money that can repair the damage or restore us to our prior glory.

Maybe if the other Major League Baseball teams had acted in time and sent the Mets some relief pitchers this disaster could have been averted. But now, what's done is done. And we're just going to have to rebuild in the off-season and wait until next year. In the mean time, Go Cubbies!

And in totally unrelated news... For those of you who did not see Tina Fey once again portray GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin being interviewed by "Katie Couric" last night on Saturday Night Live, check out my newly updated blog post, "Tina Fey for VP," which features the video clip.

1 comment:

  1. At least your team is not the worst in baseball! I think with 102 losses the Nationals win that title. It was awesome to have a new park this least you have that to look forward to.

    The Fey as Palin sketch was funny but a little too snarky compared to the SNL debate between McCain & Obama. TF claimed she did not want to "do" SP, hopefully the added snarkiness is not b/c she does not want to be there in that capacity.

    Go Cubbies and go Bosox. It would be awesome to have that match up for the World Series. Who needs politics?!
