Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tina Fey for VP... And wouldn't you have chased that kid with a metal pipe if you had found him naked in your teenage daughter's bedroom?

For those of you, like me, who either a) didn't know Tina Fey would be appearing on "Saturday Night Live" last night and/or b) were asleep before 11:30 p.m. ET, take a gander at this:

Many are saying it was a role Tina Fey was born to play. Me, I say, Barack Obama should have picked Tina Fey as his vice presidential running mate. Just think of how much more fun we would be having right now (you know, instead of worrying about silly things like the economy, healthcare, education, and that pesky war in Iraq). I like Joe Biden and all but Barack, if by some chance you happen to read this, I think, for the good of this country and, more importantly, television ratings, you should ask Joe to step aside and put Tina Fey on the ticket.

UPDATED 9/28/08: Once again, Fey proves that she has the chops to be VP in this SNL skit with Fey once again portraying GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin in an exclusive interview with CBS News's "Katie Couric":

And in "family values" news... In case you missed this little news story at the end of last week, allow me to share it with you. According to The Daytona Beach News-Journal Online, last Thursday a man, the father of a 15-year-old girl, found a naked teenage boy in his daughter's room at 4 a.m. Not knowing the young man, who, as I said, was naked and in his daughter's room, he did what I think (or hope) most fathers would have done: he chased the young man away with a metal pipe he had taken from the garage upon hearing strange sounds coming from his daughter's room -- and called 911.

But that's not the end of the story. Oh no. It turns out, the boy had been seeing -- and having sex with -- the man's daughter for 18 months, often sneaking into her room late at night. And the father, who thought he was rescuing his daughter from a fiend, gets charged with aggravated battery on a child and hauled off to jail, even though the father of the boy hadn't pressed charges.

Which brings me back to Sarah -- and Todd -- Palin and their teenage daughter, Bristol. As I recall, Ms. Palin is quite the shot. And I bet Todd is no slouch with a gun or a metal pipe either. Yet where were they when some teenage boy was having sex with their daughter? But instead of outrage, at at least the boy if not the daughter, that kid was invited to stand on stage with the Republican presidential nominee and his family at the Republican National Convention. Is this country great or what?

Oh, and did I mention that all the parties in the first story were Hispanic? Not that that necessarily makes a difference. Or maybe it does. As Conservative commentator Byron York of National Review wrote back on September 3: “If the Obamas had a 17-year-old daughter who was unmarried and pregnant by a tough-talking black kid, my guess is if they all appeared onstage at a Democratic convention and the delegates were cheering wildly, a number of conservatives might be discussing the issue of dysfunctional black families.”

All I have to say is: Obama-Fey 2008.


  1. J, I watched this last night and nearly peed. She was spot on! I think Obama was supposed to make an appearance last night (Michael Phelps was hosting so it would have been a good rah-rah moment) but cancelled.

    Depending on how November goes, Ms. Fey may have to make a return to SNL.

  2. LOL, that was hilarious! I knew Tina Fey would make a great SP.

    RE: the teenage boy, I usually arm myself with an 8-iron when I hear a scary noise. I'd put a bigger divot in that kid's forehead than Tiger Woods puts in the fairway at Royal Troon.

  3. I second that nomination of Obama-Fey!

    BTW, in case anyone needs a breakdown of the SNL opener (and is laptop hearing challenged as I), check out Maureen Ryan's column from Chicago Tribune. It has a full transcript.

  4. Good post. I haven't seen the clip yet.

    Agreed on the "black family values" double standard. But to Obama's credit, he took family out of the debate, in a classy way.

  5. Slightly off topic, I also liked Shatner's cameo during Michael Phelps' opening monologue.

  6. she can see russia
    i see a massive train wreck
    make people vote blue
