Monday, September 8, 2008

Jon Stewart's Guide to Spotting a Hypocrite, Plus: My campaign to ban the word "maverick"

Hi boys and girls! It's time to play "Spot the Hypocrite." Today's lesson is brought to you by the research team over at "The Daily Show." The subject of today's game, Playing the Gender Card. Are you ready to play?

Just hit the play button (that right-pointing triangle in the middle of the box) to begin -- and see if you can spot all the hypocrites.

Good luck!

Did you spot all the hypocrites?

Good job!

Now, please join me in my drive to ban the word maverick from on air and print usage. Why? Well, if you have to ask, you a) have not followed any of the news coverage around this presidential election; b) do not own a TV; c) do not read newspapers or news magazines; d) just got back from two years on the International Space Station; or e) all of the above.

Just Google "John McCain maverick" to see the 3,410,000 results (as of 9:30 a.m. today -- up from 3,270,000 just a couple days ago when I sat down to write this post) -- and that's not including the hundreds of thousands of on-air mentions. Heck, you can't be on TV these days and mention the name John McCain -- and now Sarah Palin -- without reflexively adding "maverick" either before or after. It's like some involuntary Tourette's tic.

For those of you unfamiliar with the origin and definition of the word maverick, here's what The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (online version) has to say:

Pronunciation: \ˈmav-rik, ˈma-və-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Samuel A. Maverick, died 1870. American pioneer who did not brand his calves.
Date: 1867
1: an unbranded range animal; especially : a motherless calf
2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party

So, on behalf of unbranded range animals and motherless calves everywhere, I am asking -- make that begging -- all of you to help me send a message to the mainstream media by leaving a comment on this blog saying, "Yes, I want to join the drive to ban on-air personalities and pundits, as well as the mainstream press, from ever using the word maverick again (or at least in regard to all candidates running for any elected office)! Enough is enough!"

Thank you.

This just in: While MSNBC/NBC has censured Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, removing them from their anchoring duties on MSNBC (and replacing them with David Gregory), due to their left-leaning bias, pressure from the GOP/McCain campaign, and low ratings, ABC News has scored something of a coup with Charlie "Journalistic Integrity Is for Wimps" Gibson nabbing the first media interview with GOP VP pick Sarah Palin. Look for hard-hitting questions like, "If you were a tree, what kind would you be?"


  1. In a reverse-spin on Mr. Maverick's biography, I propose that only politicians who HAVE been branded with a red-hot branding iron can lay claim to that title. The branding must further occur in a visible spot, like the forehead.

    PS: Re: the Gibson interview -- I obtained a secret McCain campaign memo to Gibson, which I published on my blog.

  2. To combat the brain-searing repetition of "maverick," it is helpful to replace that word with a more accurate term in all references to McCain/Palin. I have found "sleazy weasel" to work quite well, as in The original [sleazy weasels]. [Sleazy Weasel] McCain rips GOP. [Those two are from a new tv ad for McCain/Palin]. John McCain is a [sleazy weasel]. We admire John McCain's [sleazy weasel]osity, Sarah Palin displays the same [sleazy weasel] qualities as John McCain. Sarah Palin is no stranger to the "[sleazy weasel]" label often assigned to Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate who has selected her to join him on the GOP ticket. [from]." Et voila!

  3. I came by the way of Beanpaste - your donation warmed my heart - and stayed when I heard about MSNBC's decision.

    That's too bad. I thought maybe their ratings are down because they lost Tim Russert...

  4. 2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party

    Sounds accurate to me.
    Check the names of bills he sponsored.

  5. Anonymous,

    You are referring to the pre-2006 McCain, sadly. He has since run from many (if not most or all) of the bills that have his name on them. But thank you for the comment.

    Lisa M.,

    Thanks for stopping by! Appreciate it!


    Loved the memo -- and would be happy to sponsor a branding iron.


    GREAT idea. When are you making a commercial?

    Keep them comments comin'!

  6. I keep having visions of Tom Cruise in Top Gun when I hear the word Maverick. A 72 year old man just can't compete with a young, hot (pre-Scientology crazed) Tom Cruise.
