Thursday, August 7, 2008

Paris Hilton for President?

Maybe bumping around on a bicycle for six days has jangled my brain, but after eight years of W. in the White House and having spent the last 16 months or however long it's been living under a daily barrage of meaningless political rhetoric by candidates on the Left and Right, I'm starting to think that we could do a lot worse than Paris Hilton for President.

(Did you check out her energy policy? Now that's hot.)

In other news... In case you didn't hear, Brett Favre is now a member of the New York Jets. The deal went down this morning. As a result, No. 4 has gone from Green Bay to Gang Green, from green and gold to green and white, from the green fields of Wisconsin to... okay, Secaucus, New Jersey. But you get the idea.

I know several Jets fans -- and sports writers -- who are beside themselves with joy (I am not one of them, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt). We shall see on September 7 if Brett got game.


  1. Favre knows that interceptions work the same way in the AFC as in the NFC, right? I sure hope so, for his sake. And I'm a fan of his.

  2. I was hoping Brett would land in Tampa, darn it. Oh well. I wish him well even though I'm definitely NOT a Jets fan.

  3. Paris obviously has some marketing savvy; she can turn anything into a PR boost for herself... thx to McCain’s miscalculation, she’ll be selling more cans of wine than ever
