Monday, July 21, 2008

While the kid's away, the stuffed animals will play...

Or "When Stuffed Animals Go Bad."

I decided not to publish the drunken, boozy pics (which were not pretty). But as a public service, I decided to share these telling photos, so you can prevent such goings on from happening at your house, when your child goes off to sleepaway camp for three weeks, and certain stuffed animals don't make the cut, get left behind, and get bored and ornery.


  1. It's the one over-indulging in Yodels about whom I would be most concerned. I mean, I like Yodels, too, but I think some Little Debbie Snack Cakes might better serve his (her? its?) purposes. Or maybe just a large tub of Fluff.

  2. Thank you for your concern, Anonymous. Fluffy (the name of the Hello Kitty stuffy) is currently paying the price for overindulging, and is lying down on A's bed recovering.

    You would think with no mouth, it would be hard to eat Yodels, but... It was all I could to wipe the chocolate and cream off of Fluffy's face before taking the photo.

    Btw, we have no Little Debbie Snack Cakes -- and all candy is safely stored on a very high shelf to prevent children (and their mothers) and animals from getting at it.

  3. My favorite is the spin-the-bottle picture, but I notice there is an empty spot. Are they just sitting sitcom style or is the spot caused by one of the players, oh, I don't know, getting up to take a picture?!? Sending a kid off to camp is traumatic and all, but really...

  4. Some children should not be allowed to go to sleepaway because it apparently gives their parents WAY too much free time!!

  5. Well, someone (or something) had to take the picture, Dave. Geez. Everyone's a critic.

  6. I hope that no small (stuffed) animals were hurt in the making of this film....poor Abby, if she only knew what goes on when she's away. Thanks for the pics -- I got a good laugh out of them!

  7. yodel binge tonight
    a freezer diving penguin
    unexpected things
