Thursday, May 22, 2008

Talking Heads

I really should be writing landing page copy (and I will, Carlos, soon... like later this morning, not that you really care, but it's on my agenda, really... as soon as I finish writing this blog post, grab a shower, start a load of laundry, unload the dishwasher, and get something to eat... really). But I keep hearing Talking Heads, both the political variety and the musical group (in particular the album "Stop Making Sense" and the song "Life During Wartime," which has been playing on my mental jukebox for weeks now).

Is it just me or does it seem like we've been in primary mode for, I don't know, FOREVER?

If I hear one more suggestion as to how to seat the Democratic delegates from Florida and Michigan (I say don't seat 'em -- those states broke the rules, and they knew the consequences; but if the DNC goes soft, which we all know it will, split 'em 50-50); or that sexism played a major role in preventing Hillary from being Queen of the Democrats (puh-lease; if you really want to know why and where she went wrong, check out this interesting article from the May 8 issue of New York Magazine); or if I have to hear John "Double-Talking, My-Wife-Stole-Money-from-a-Charity-to-Finance-Her-Drug-Habit-and-Got-Off-Scott-Free-but-Let's-Not-Talk-About-That" McCain launch into yet another tirade about how crazy it is for Barack Obama to even talk about possibly talking to Iran and Hamas and, God forbid!, Raoul Castro, at some point, which, btw, I think, like it or not, is a political reality -- or necessity -- if we want to remain a so-called Super Power, I am going to scream.


Ahhhh. I feel a bit better now.

Now I can devote some time to looking up whatever happened to Charlie the StarKist tuna... (Googling... ah, it appears he is still around and now has his own interactive recipe book) and to following the controversy over current Mets manager Willie Randolph and whether he should be replaced, by, say, former Mets manager Bobby Valentine or Lee Mazzilli, both of whom I like and think would do a good job -- though I also do not think Willie is to blame for the Mets uninspired play since last summer... and to... oh wait, the dishwasher started beeping. Gotta go.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, writing really IS hard!

    I had a Charlie Tuna alarm clock when I was a kid. As a Nats fan I think that he would actually be a good manager for the Mets.

    If you get a chance to see David Byrne perform, don't pass it up. One of my big regrets is never seeing Talking Heads but Byrne puts on a great show. When Laura and I saw him last time, his parents were there (he's from Baltimore) and he introduced them.
