Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why I Now Hate the '80s, and Hillary Clinton

Okay, I exaggerate -- a bit. But for anyone who "came of age" in the 1980s, as I guess I did, last night's eighties theme on "American Idol" was like a very bad trip (or what I assume a bad trip must be like as I am one of the 14 individuals between the ages of 14 and 54 in the 1980s who didn't do drugs).

You just knew things were going to be bad when pretty boy/James "Dawson's Creek" Van Der Beek lookalike Luke (shouldn't that be "Luc"?) Menard came out singing "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go." As much as I am embarrassed to admit this, I was very into Wham! But hearing that song sung last night made me want to go-go and change the channel.

As for David Cook's supposedly brilliant rendition of "Hello," I LOATHE Lionel Richie. (You sing "Hello," and I say "Goodbye.") And I don't care how "emo" or cool David Cook made it sound, and I like rocker David Cook, it made my skin crawl.

Ditto judge and audience favorite David Archuleta's rendition of Phil "Make Me Want to Kill Myself" Collins' "Another Day in Paradise," though props to you, Davie Boy, for putting Simon in his place with the line about the importance of the lyrics and their message in light of events like Hurricane Katrina and homelessness, especially as "Idol" keeps playing up the helping the less fortunate thang and "giving back."

The award for the worst performance, however, and the reason for my tirade and current depression (besides HRC's wins yesterday -- more on that in a minute), was Danny "Snaps to You" Noriega's AWFUL take on "Tainted Love," which was practically my high school class's theme song (along with the Talking Heads' "Psycho Killer," one of the most brilliant songs EVER).

I didn't think it was possible for me to hate the eighties, or "American Idol," but last night accomplished both. However, because I am a masochist and hoping that the girls will do the eighties (until last night, one of my favorite decades music-wise) justice, I will be watching again tonight.

As for Hillary... My favorite blog headline regarding her come-from-behind victories yesterday is "Obama Better Get Garlic and a Cross Next Time." To which I would add "And Some Wooden Stakes and Silver Bullets, Too."

There was a time I used to like, or at least admire Hillary (who I still think is intelligent and has a good command of the issues. I just think, excuse the cliche, that it's time for a change -- and a fresh face to show to the world). But what has so turned me off her is her growing similarities to George W. "I'm the Decider" Bush.

According to the many accounts I have read, Senator Clinton, while she can be bipartisan, is not a team player, unless everyone on the team happens to agree with everything she says. And we've seen, with the current administration, where that has gotten us. That's what makes me nervous about a President H. Clinton. I also don't think she's a good sport, though she appears to have a sense of humor.

On Monday's "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart, when he had Hillary on as a guest, he asked her if the tables were turned, and she had been the one to win 11 primaries in a row, would she not be calling for Barack Obama, for the sake of the party, to "get out"? I thought it a great question -- so of course she didn't answer it. (Btw, for an interesting take on the topic check out this article on Yahoo! News titled "Hillary: The New Huckabee." )

Well, that's all I can stomach on these topics, for now. Check back here tomorrow for my take on "the women of 'American Idol'" and more.

UPDATE: On a totally unrelated note.... As many of you may recall, last week I blogged about a job interview I had. After several of you suggested that my comments might come back to bite me in the butt, I deleted the entry, and severed all links between my blogs. As it turns out, my (or your) paranoia was unfounded. Just got an email from my interviewer asking if I might be interested in some freelance writing assignments. Stay tuned....


  1. Another of the 14 signing in here.

    "Tainted Love" is one of those songs that can no longer be covered after the definitive (Soft Cell) cover, although I am (very) mildly curious to hear what Blue Oyster Cowbell would do with it.

    Don't hate the 80s, hate the dummies trashing up the 80s songs!

    As for HRC, I'm no rabid supporter but I would have no trouble voting for her in the general, although I think Obama would be better. On the other hand, as I pointed out to dinner guests last night (hence missing American Idol), I would vote for a bowl of Trader Joe's Pretzel Slims before voting Republican.

  2. Yes to "Tainted Love."

    Yes to not hating the '80s, just those mangling '80s songs (though some, like my spouse, would say they came pre-mangled).

    And yes to Trader Joe's Pretzel Slims! (Which dip would be their running mate, I wonder? ; )

  3. Ah, the most excellent "Psycho Killer," quest que cest. I once had a colleague who inspired us to sing that song about him behind his back. Every time there's a crazed gunman office massacre incident, I check for his name in the newspaper account.

    My class theme song should have been "Road to Nowhere," alas... And Lionel Richie...BLAAARRRGH! Look what you made me do to my Birkies!

    I'm with you and Dave about voting for a pretzel over McCain. In fact, a warm pool of cat vomit would get my vote if that were the only alternative. With a hair ball as a running mate.
