Thursday, March 27, 2008

The skies just got a littler friendlier (and sexier)

Don't know if any of you have heard about or seen the new Delta in-flight safety video, which has yet to be shown on an actual Delta flight. But it's garnered four stars and more than 345,000 hits (as of Wednesday afternoon) on That's pretty impressive. Who knew there were so many safety-minded folks out there?

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for in-flight safety -- and getting my fellow passengers to turn off their phones and have their seats and tray tables in the upright and locked position for takeoffs and landings (as opposed to in my lap). But watching the video and hearing and reading the chatter about the sexy finger-wagging flight attendant (an "Angelina Jolie-like redhead," nicknamed "Deltalina," who looks like she had one too many collagen injections) featured in the video made me wonder if this wasn't the in-flight safety video for Hooters Air instead. (Oh wait, that airline went bust.)

Clearly, Delta has figured out that sex sells. Though technically selling sex is a class 1 misdemeanor -- and buying sex is a class B misdemeanor and can cost you your job. I am also pretty certain that Delta has no plans to open a chain of Mile High Clubs (though I could be wrong about that). Well, whatever gets you to buckle up and fly right. And if the new video just happens to increase bookings on the troubled carrier.... Well, who am I to fly in the face of capitalism?


  1. There’s more to be said about / read in that new video – aside from the obvious inclusion of a hostess of color and a fatty (sorry, a “large” attendant). For example:

    1. The power shift: The video starts with your typical male pilot, just slightly graying at the temples (experience), and ends with a reassuring, younger female pilot, medal gleaming on her shirtfront.

    2. The implicit religion: At key points in the presentation, the blonde raises her arms in a gesture instantly recognizable to Christians as Christlike: a pillow-lipped Jesus delivering the blessing.

    3. The relentless youth orientation: Do the hostesses speak to or approach a single passenger over 40? I don’t know the proportion of “Seniors” currently on Delta’s passenger list, but you can bet it’s trying ultra-hard to get the younger trendies.

  2. "Hooters Air... went bust."

    Heh. Heh-heh.

    Sorry, jetlagged after an 11-hour-delayed flight. But that stood out.

  3. This is nothing new. For years, airlines discriminated against women by refusing to hire "stewardesses" who were over a certain age or weight.

    Besides, she looks more like Renee Zellweger (sp?) than Angelina Jolie.

  4. The video, and the comments remind me of "Catch Me If You Can." The regrettable change in the cultural and legal landscape that now requires American based carriers to hire the fat, the male, and the aged as stewardesses has made that movie a period piece. Age restrictions on pilots, however, are strictly enforced. Also, most of these laws do not apply to entertainment venues so the ads and movies have much more comely participants.

    As an aside, foreign carriers need not follow these rules and violate them with impunity. I once knew a Brazilian Air stewardess who was also an exotic dancer, and Singapore Air is reputed to carry extra defibulators aboard, so stunning are the crewmembers.

    Finally, is there a law that requires pilots to have southern accents?

    I also liked the Hooters comment and will only add, it turned out it was well named a as a fly by night carrier.

  5. Great comments (including those sent to me via email). Thanks for the feedback. And a special shout out to Dave S. (and JJV) for acknowledging my "bust" pun.

  6. I believe it is fair to say that both JJV and I were titillated by that pun.

    Re JJV's comment, what is the relationship between aircrew attractiveness and the need to remove one's calfbone?

    Immaturely yours,

  7. Ouch. I see what you mean by not encouraging you.

    I know I shouldn't ask but... So Dave, what is the relationship between aircrew attractiveness and the need to remove one's calfbone?

  8. You will have to ask JJV about that as he made the reference to "defibulators."

  9. Groan. I'm splitting my shins.

  10. If you do that you won't have a leg to stand on.

    Somebody stop me! No, really.
