Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The credit crisis explained... Obama's speech

I had actually written a post sarcastically picking apart the difference between the Spitzer sex scandal and the Paterson sex scandal (fyi, in NY State, adultery is a class B misdemeanor, so technically they were both illegal) and why none of it really matters. But figuring (or hoping) that you, like me, had had enough with all the hype and hypocrisy decided to delete it and provide you with some news you could use.

So this morning I am sharing with you this most excellent article, written by the NYT's David Leonhardt, on how the current credit crisis came about. Read it and weep.

I also wanted to direct you to today's post by fellow blogger "Betty Cracker," on "American tribalism & why Obama will most likely lose PA." I know a lot has already been written about Obama's speech on racism, which he gave yesterday, and which greatly impressed me and apparently a lot of other folks. (OMG, a politician who can write a speech, and an eloquent, articulate one at that!) But Ms. Cracker's take is well worth a read.


  1. An immediate byproduct of this whole mess is the sudden tightening of lending requirements. According to our buying realtor, with whom we just met, you have to put a lot more down and you get looked at much harder as of March 8.

  2. More questions, fewer answers - you got that right! With more and more questions, fewer and fewer answers, it's no wonder the byproduct for many of us is a combination of head scratching and literal aching head. Calgon take me away!? Nah, it'd probably do too much environmental harm.
