Monday, January 14, 2008

The Curse of Jessica Simpson?

I'm starting to actually feel a little sorry for Nick Lachey's ex. I mean, could she really be the reason why Tony Romo failed to help his team win their playoff game against the Giants yesterday? I think not.

Even more disturbing than all the media attention/speculation regarding a Jessica Simpson - Gisele Bundchen -- I mean Tony Romo - Tom Brady --matchup on Super Bowl Sunday, which will now not come to pass, was watching Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens choke up in a postgame interview. Even his blackout shades could not hold back the tears (though I was momentarily distracted by his 10-carat diamond studs).

"This is not about Tony," Owens said, sobbing. "You guys can point the finger at him. You can talk about the vacation. And if you do that, it's really unfair. It's really unfair. It's my team. It's my quarterback. If you guys do that, man, it's unfair. We lost as a team. We lost as a team, man." [For more on TO's tear up, check out this article in Newsday.]

Oh grow up. Next thing you know, he'll be on the ticket with Hillary.

And to all those who didn't think the Giants could beat the Cowboys (final score: 21 - 17) I say this: Pppppphhhht. And to those in the NFL and at the networks who were counting on the Packers playing the Cowboys and the Colts playing the Pats in a rematch of their Nov. 4 game I say: boohoohoo -- tough titties (though, I admit, I was rooting for the Colts and am bummed they won't be playing on Sunday).

Speaking of titties (tough or otherwise)... I continue to be bombarded with Victoria's Secret catalogs and emails. Usually, I just throw 'em away, but as I had some time to kill waiting for Abby's bus the other day, and I'm contemplating getting a new bikini for our February trip, I (foolishly) decided to flip through the swimsuit edition.

My take: Instead of grouping their swimsuits by brand or style, I think they should have one section or catalog for those who have been surgically enhanced and another for those who, for better or worse, have decided to leave be what their mommy and daddy's genes bequeathed them. Seriously, I think there was, maybe, one model who did not look surgically enhanced. And it made me kinda sad. These were pretty girls -- who looked like someone glued a couple of balloons to their chests and painted them flesh color. Granted, I am not a guy (next life), but do such obviously fake orbs really appeal?

And have you seen the size of the bikini bottoms? I've seen fig leaves bigger than some of those things. I know, I know: Why are you so cranky? What do you care? You should have seen me before I had some sparkling wine and a couple of cupcakes (lunch of champions!). Maybe it's sour grapes (the sparkling wine was kind of flat -- like me!).

And since I seem to be fixated on bikinis today (as I stare out my window watching huge flakes of snow fall, even though ALL the weather reports this morning said Southern Fairfield County would be clear of snow by 8 a.m.), here's a humorous tidbit I came across on MSNBC the other day:

"Now you see it, now you don’t. Eagle-eyed newshounds at the Sun [British tabloid] noticed soccer stud David Beckham appears to be significantly less bulgy in his latest ads for Emporio Armani underwear. Hmmm."

So, keep your eye on the ball(s) and have a great week!


  1. You covered a lot of territory there (unlike many swimsuits), but let's see:

    1) I have heard some folks ascribe TO's breakdown to the "leaving it all on the field" syndrome, in which the combination of extreme physical and emotional stress causes loss of self-control in the immediate aftermath when the pressures suddenly vanish. This is in no way an attempt to compare myself to TO, but I experienced something like that once after a big fencing match that I ended up losing by one point. Sure, I wasn't happy about losing but that's not why I was basically sobbing afterwards.

    2) St. Brett the Beloved will dispose of the Giants unless he transmogrifies (with or without a shimmering aura) into St. Brett the Interception Generator. Either way it should be a good game.

    3) You kind of wonder (or perhaps not) who the swimsuit catalogs are really targeting. Any men out there brave enough to buy a swimsuit for their spouses, SOs, etc.?

  2. I am glad the Giants won.

    On swimsuits and Victoria Secrets in general. I think it is not surgical enhancement but youth that is the difference here. Under 27 you can wear em, after that you better be a model or trainer.

    And now I will cross the streams and cite the "inspirational talks" from Peyton Manning they have been running. One of them is called "six pack abs" in which his inspirational message is "Hey, I'll be honest, unless you are 23 or a professional football player its probably not gonna happen. Get a baggy shirt." I think there is a lesson there for all of us.

    I do not buy swimsuits and I do not comment on the rest of their line.

  3. I like the pep talk about minivans wherein he suggests painting flames on the side.

    As far as the news item about Mr. Spice is concerned, they do say no one can bend it like Beckham.

  4. I much prefer Peyton's previous crop of MasterCard commercials ("De-Caf!"). These are pretty lame -- and depressing. (Is it true that men over 23 have no abs? What about Becks? He's well over 23 and his abs looked mighty fine to me.) Speaking of Peyton, last night I dreamed we were neighbors -- and that he and his wife were expecting their fifth and sixth child (twins) and were shopping for a mini van.
