Monday, December 10, 2007

Of Carl Banks, Hollister, and Top Secret Cow Abductions

Though my mother, who only occasionally lives in New York and has no clue what sports radio and The Fan (WFAN 660 AM) are, as many of you know, I have become rather addicted to sport talk and the Fan in particular. It all started with Imus in the Morning, which used to be on WFAN weekdays from 6 - 10 a.m.

Every morning since moving to CT, we either woke up to Morning Edition on NPR or to Don Imus on the FAN. And even after the I-Dude was fired (a bit unfairly, if you ask me, though you didn't), we continued to listen -- to the point where I know listen to the Fan on my own, in my car or in the kitchen, when Kenny is not around.

Indeed, I have become a bit of a Fan/sports radio junkie, even watching ESPN at the gym while working out. I watch sports, too. I watch the Giants (and, until they SUCKED, the Jets -- sorry Gette and Rich) every Sunday. I used to watch the Patriots, too, until Tom Brady (who, okay, is pretty cute) started knocking up supermodels and Belichick was caught cheating (and who says cheaters never prosper?). And I have a soft spot for Green Bay since my Chicago area days. (Go Brett Favre!)

When we lived in Evanston, Illinois, back in the 1990s, when Michael Jordan and the triangle offense were king, I was a HUGE Chicago Bulls fan. I even listened to the playoffs while giving birth to Abby, until the doctors and Kenny insisted we turn off the game because I wasn't paying attention to the job at hand -- or cervix, as was the case.

And yes, I was a HUGE Mets fan as a kid, attending my first game when I was around 8 and becoming hooked. (You think I don't know suffering? Try being a Mets fan post-Tom Seaver, from the mid-1970s through the mid-1980s. Cubs fans: You know of what I speak.)

Now I derive almost equal pleasure listening to guys talk about sports. Not all guys mind you. Just the ones who actually seem to know what they are talking about.

Which brings me to Carl Banks, who now has a regular gig on the Fan, one or two days a week for an hour. For those of you who don't know, Banks (this is taken directly from Wikipedia)

is a former American football linebacker who played for three teams from 1984 to 1995, the New York Giants, the Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Browns in the NFL. He made the Pro Bowl in 1987, had 39.5 career quarterback sacks, and was a member of the NFL's 1980's All-Decade Team. He attended Michigan State University and was the 3rd overall pick in the 1984 NFL draft. He was a member of the Giants teams that won Super Bowls XXI and XXV. Banks was a standout in their Super Bowl XXI victory in which he recorded 14 total tackles, including 10 solo tackles.

He also happens to be a very good analyst. Seriously. I don't usually pay attention to what's being said on the Fan. I just like listening to guys talk sports. I find it strangely soothing. But Banks had me hanging on every word. He doesn't just talk sports, he explains sports, in a way I hadn't heard before, kind of like a sports scientist, which, being a former political scientist, impressed me.

Among Banks's words of wisdom: Donovan McNabb is an underrated QB with a powerful arm but no good receivers -- and don't be surprised if the Jets go after McNabb or the Eagles pursue Laveranues (pronounced "Lavernius") Coles, the Jets wide receiver. Just saying. Cause Carl did. And Carl is good.

Moving right along...

So on Saturday I met my friend, Larissa, who lives in MA, at the West Farms Mall in West Hartford, or Farmington (depending which map service you use), CT, to catch up and do a little holiday shopping. I don't like crowds or shopping, so I kind of had to psych myself up for this little foray.

As we all know, shopping during holiday time has its own special challenges. But is it my imagination or does everyone want to be 21 with the latest cell phone and lots of bling, regardless of the time of year? 'Cause I swear every other store, with the exception of Gap Baby and Build-a-Bear and the Calendar Store (more about that in a minute), seemed to be targeted at/for teens or twentysomethings with lots of $$$ to burn.

Every major cell phone carrier had a store. There must have been at least three nail salons. There were jewelry stores every 10 feet, each one practically giving away charms and pendants. And I didn't begin to count all of the stores selling accessories. (Seriously folks: how many feather boas and bulldog hair clips does a girl really need?) And the displays in every clothing store positively screamed: Are you young and hip or want to be? Shop here!

I have to admit, though, some of those stores do a great job of marketing, particularly Hollister, where Larissa and I went to get my niece a gift card. The place was like a beach house, albeit a very upscale, classy one, with dark woods, wooden shutters, a painted tin roof, atmospheric lighting, sepia-tinged photos of surfer Dudes and Bettys (how Hollister refers to its female demographic), a live beach cam showing live images (mostly waves crashing) from Huntington Beach, CA, on 3 x 3 rows of TV monitors, and MUSIC BLASTING SO LOUD WE COULD BARELY TALK OR THINK. That may have been why Larissa was briefly tempted to buy a $90 sweatshirt, which, I admit, did have the softest lining ever. Very furry. About 20 minutes later, after polling a bunch of Bettys as to which gift card I should get my niece (the one with cute gay guy or one with cute gay guy and chick who looked like a young Daryl Hannah? They unanimously chose the latter), we left the beach and re-entered reality, or whatever passes for it at the mall these days.

After wandering around and deciding against having our portraits taken with Fred Claus or the Mafia Elves, we headed into the Calendar Store, so I could acquire a 2008 weekly engagement calendar. (Hey, just because I write about technology doesn't mean I have to use it.) Who knew there were so many choices? I figured I'd just waltz in and pick up another "Cats" one, because Abby likes looking at the pictures. But that would have been too easy. Maybe I should have chosen the Bichon weekly engagement calendar, or the one devoted to Yorkies, or to Pugs, or Kittens. Nah. Too tame. Like hard bodies? Take your pick, though they were all wall calendars. (More flesh to love, I guess.) Btw, who knew there were so many hunky NY firefighters? Or that they were still putting out Baywatch calendars? The things you learn at the mall.

I had pretty much decided to go with the "INSPIRATION 2008 HARDCOVER WEEKLY ENGAGEMENT," all in caps, the word "CALENDAR" omitted, because the pictures were pretty -- and it was on sale -- when I spotted the calendar that would change my life (well, at least for the next few minutes): "Top Secret Cow Abductions!" There was only one copy left, on the top shelf, near the back. I reached up on my tiptoes and gently grabbed it. These were not just any cow abductions, my friends. No. These were TOP SECRET. Which is why you cannot find this calendar on, only ( and a few hush-hush sites. Carefully, quietly, surreptitiously, Larissa and I flipped through the calendar, keeping a careful eye out for government agents and aliens who might not take kindly to us discovering their evil cow machinations. And while I was sorely tempted to purchase the calendar, I put my family's safety and security first and replaced the calendar back on the shelf and made my way to the register, where I paid for my "INSPIRATION" engagement calendar and left the store.

As far as I know, I was not abducted by aliens on my ride home, and had an uneventful rest of the weekend, waking up this morning to the sounds of Boomer and Carton on WFAN.

Wishing you easy shopping and easy listening this holiday season,


P.S. And if you happen to notice any levitating cows, take pictures! I know a guy with a calendar who will pay you top dollar!

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